Active Calcium™ - Актив Кальциум

Active CalciumTM & Active CalciumTM Chewable.

Complete bone health formula for adolescents and adults

Active Calcium ясны нягтшилыг сайжруулж өсөлтөнд сайн.
Тулгуур эрхтэнийг эрүүл байлгахад бие махбод дахь кальци төдийгүй бусад органик бус бодис, амин дэм чухал ач холбогдолтой. Active Calcium нь бие махбодод шаардлагатай кальци ба магнийг тэнцвэртэй хэмжээгээр агуулсан. Энэ бэлдмэл дэх D амин дэмийн найрлага нь кальцийн уусалтыг сайжруулахаас гадна K амин дэмийн найрлага нь өсөлтөнд зайлшгүй шаардлагатай эрүүл мэндийн бэлдмэл юм.Ясны нягтшилыг сайжруулахад чухал үүрэг бүхий амин дэмийн найрлагатай.Ясыг бүрдүүлэхэд чухал тустай тэжээл болох кальцийн солилцоог түргэтгэж, кальцийг бие махбодоос ялгаралгүй хангалттай сайн үйлчлэх бололцоо олгодог D амин дэм Цус бүлэгнүүлэгч K амин дэм.

Ямар хүнд их тустай вэ?
- Сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн, загасны яс зэрэг кальци агуулсан хүнс бага хэрэглэдэг
- Кальци нэн шаардлагатай хүмүүс бол дунд ба ахимаг настан,
- Жирэмсэн болон хөхүүл эх, цэвэршилтийн  насны эмэгтэйчүүд

- Жингээ хасахаар хоолны дэглэм баримталж байгаа хүн

Health Basics

Provides balanced levels of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D in truly bioavailable forms
Helps maintain strong, mineral-rich bones*
Provides ingredients essential for healthy muscle function and strength*

Did You Know?

Millions of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency
Active Calcium was designed to complement the USANA Essentials™ in providing the full amounts of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D required daily for long-term health*
Active Calcium, the Essentials, and an antioxidant booster are conveniently packaged in AM and PM doses with the HealthPak™

USANA Difference

Pharmaceutical Quality

Active Calcium

You want strong and healthy bones, so the question you need to ask yourself is, are you getting enough vitamin D? Because of limited time in the sun and an inadequate amount in the average diet, there is growing concern that Americans are not meeting the recommended amount of vitamin D. It’s important for your body’s structure and the integrity of your bones to absorb the right levels of calcium and magnesium, and vitamin D helps this process. The benefits of having strong bones include preventing bone fracture and even avoiding osteoporosis later in life. Active Calcium is a balanced and complete formula of these important ingredients. And what makes Active Calcium “active” is the fact that the ingredients are bioavailable. For a calcium supplement to be effective, it must be absorbable, and USANA’s Active Calcium’s formula is the outstanding choice among competitors.
Throughout life, bones are in a constant state of reformation as calcium is continually removed from and re-deposited in the bones. Adequate levels of calcium are needed every day to ensure that bone mineral density
is maintained. If people do not get enough calcium from their diets, the body will take it from bone structure, which results in a net loss of bone calcium.

Active Calcium™ and Body Rox™ Active Calcium™

Chewable are more than calcium supplements. They are carefully formulated, clinically proven bone-building
formulas.1 Both contain calcium citrate and carbonate, magnesium, vitamin D, and silicon to optimize bone
mineralization and to ensure proper calcium use.

Calcium and Your Health

Deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, boron, and vitamin D can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, thinning of the bones that makes them prone to fracture. Although signs of osteoporosis usually don’t occur until the later years of life, getting the proper amount of calcium in our diet when we’re young helps build strong bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the future, as long as dietary intake continues to be adequate. Adolescents who make even a five percent gain in bone mass in their teens may reduce the risk of osteoporosis by 40 percent.
In addition to maintaining healthy bones, calcium is critical to normal nerve conduction, muscle contraction, blood clotting (provided it is normal to begin with), cell division, and electrical conduction in the heart.6 It is also essential for producing and activating enzymes and hormones that regulate digestion, energy, and fat metabolism.

Magnesium and Vitamin D

Magnesium is an essential mineral that accounts for about 0.05 percent of the body’s total weight. Along with calcium, it is an important component of strong, healthy bones. Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption in the small intestine and calcium utilization in bone formation. Vitamin D also influences the utilization of phosphorus, another mineral that is important for strong bones.


Silicon gives stability to all the connective tissues of the body and is essential for proper calcium utilization. Silicon is key to the calcium mineralization of the bone matrix.

Why Active Calcium™?

USANA’s Active Calcium is enhanced with boron and vitamin K. Boron reduces calcium excretion and increases deposition of calcium in the bone. Vitamin K influences the level of osteocalcin in the bone-forming cells and thus the rate of mineralization of bone.

Why Body Rox™ Active Calcium™ Chewable?

A double-blind, placebo-controlled USANA study assessed the impact of Body Rox Active Calcium Chewable on bone development and bone mineralization in 81 preadolescent girls.
 Half of the group was assigned at random to receive Active Calcium Chewable, and half received a placebo supplement.
After 12 months of supplementation, girls receiving Active Calcium Chewable showed a net gain (1.41 percent) in bone mineral density, while girls in the placebo group showed a net decline (-0.94 percent). Gains in bone mineral content were also greater in the active treatment group than in the placebo group (5.83 percent versus 0.69 percent respectively).


1. Wood T, McKinnon T. USANA Clinical Research Bulletin 2001;8.
2. Heaney RP, et al. Osteoporosis Int 1999;9:19-23.
3. Heaney RP, et al. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:239-46.
4. Bachrach LK. Trends Endocrinol Metab 2001;12(1):22-8.
5. Reid IR. Am J Med Sci 1996;312:278-86.
6. Bowman A, Russell R eds. Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Washington DC:ILSI; Press 2001.
7. Ziegler E, Filer L, Jr., eds. Present Knowledge in Nutrition. Washington DC: ILSI Press; 1996.
8. Inst of Med, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary Reference Intakes: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium,
Vitamin D and Fluoride. Washington DC, Ntnl Ac Pr; 1999.
9. Groff JL, et al. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. New York: West Publishing; 1995.
10. Bitensky L, et al. J Bone Joint Surg 1988;70-B:663, 664.

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