Powerful bioflavonoid supplement
Хүний амьдрах орчинд хэт ягаан туяа болон бохирдол гэх мэт хортой бодис багагүй тохиолдох болсон. Бие махбодод хөгшрөлт явагдаж биеийн эсэргүүцэл буурч, бодисын солилцооны тэнцвэр алдагддаг. Үүнээс урьдчилан сэргийлэхийн тулд ургамлын гаралтай тэжээлийг сайн хэрэглэж, бие махбодоо хортой орчноос хамгаалах чадвартай болох хэрэгтэй.
Proflavanol нь янз бүрийн хэлбэрийн C амин дэмийн найрлагыг эсийн гэмтэл үүсгэх хортой орчноос бие махбодыг хамгаалдаг. Бодисын солилцоо болон стресс, архи тамхи, хэт ягаан туяаны улмаас хүний биед үүсэх хорт бодисыг устгах C амин дэмийн найрлагатай.
Аскорбины хүчилтэй кальци, аскорбины хүчилтэй натри гэх мэт төрөл бүрийн C амин дэмийн найрлагатай.
Усан үзмийн үрнээс гаргаж авсан бодис агуулсан
Ямар хүнд их тустай вэ?
- Бохирдлоос бие махбодоо хамгаалахыг хүссэн хүн
- Эрч хүчтэй амьдрахыг хүссэн хүн
- Их ядардаг хүн
Health Basics
Clinically proven to promote sound cardiovascular health*
Helps support balanced immune function*
Supports eye health*
Essential for maintaining healthy, younger-looking skin*
Did You Know?
Grape-seed bioflavonoids and vitamin C work together to provide advanced antioxidant protection.*
USANA Difference
Pharmaceutical Quality
Proflavanol 90
The grape, specifically extract from the grape’s seed, is super helpful when it comes to your health. That’s because grape-seed extract contains bioflavonoids, a big word for a tiny nutrient attributed to influencing cellular cycles. Bioflavonoids are credited with prohibiting cell proliferation and even producing detoxifying enzymes. And bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins support sound cardiovascular function as well as help circulation. Better circulation is important because it helps support skin by reducing the breakdown of elastin. Bioflavonoids also enhance the work of antioxidants, namely vitamins C and E. USANA’s powerful bioflavonoid supplement also combines the highest quality grape-seed extract with vitamin C (as Poly C®) for additional antioxidant protection. So you’re thinking, if grapes are so good for you, why not just drink grape juice or wine? It’s simple: by taking Proflavanol 90, you get a concentrated dose of bioflavonoids without the sugar, calories, and alcohol. Proflavanol 90 makes it easy to benefit from grapes!*
Health Basics
• Clinically proven to promote sound cardiovascular health*
• Helps support balanced immune function*
• Supports eye health*
• Essential for maintaining healthy, younger-looking skin* Did You Know?
• Grape-seed bioflavonoids and vitamin C work together to provide advanced
antioxidant protection.*
Plants are living pharmacies, producing thousands of substances that are beneficial to human health. There are several major categories of these phytonutrients, including the plant pigments called bioflavonoids. While clearly exhibiting antioxidant capabilities that offer protection from oxidative stress, bioflavonoids are probably even more important for their ability to modulate cell-signaling pathways. Among the many important cell-signaling functions that bioflavonoids influence are regulating the cell cycle, inhibiting cell proliferation, and producing detoxification enzymes.1-5
Proanthocyanidins are a subclass of bioflavonoids found in blue and purple berries, purple grapes, and red wine, and they are available in relatively high concentrations in grape-seed extract. Research suggests a strong role for dietary bioflavonoids, including proanthocyanidins, in supporting and maintaining sound cardiovascular function.6-8 Epidemiological evidence of this connection begins with the observation that relatively low rates of heart disease exist in France, despite a diet high in saturated fat.9 This apparent “French paradox” has been attributed to the proanthocyanidins in the red wine consumed with most meals.
Human clinical research has also shown that proanthocyanidins in red wine maintain healthy endothelial function.10,11* Proanthocyanidins have been studied extensively in Europe and in the United States. Scientifically observed and documented benefits include the following:
• Helps protect plasma LDL from oxidation12*
• Helps retain healthy capillary strength and vascular function13,14*
• Supports healthy immune function15*
• Supports healthy peripheral circulation16*
Why Proflavanol® & Proflavanol® 90?
With USANA’s unique formulation, Proflavanol® and triplestrength Proflavanol® 90 bioflavonoid supplements combine the highest quality grape-seed extract with the free-radical quenching power of exclusive Poly C® (see page 36), giving you an important tool in the quest for lifelong good health.17,18
Laboratory studies done at USANA confirm that, when used together, these ingredients provide significantly better protection against the oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL) than would be predicted from the sum of their individual effects. Not only do proanthocyanidins neutralize free radicals, they also conserve and regenerate vitamins C and E.19*
1. Middleton E, et al. Pharmacol Rev. 2000. 52:673-751.
2. Y oshida M, et al. Cancer Res. 1992. 52:6676-6681.
3. K rinsky N. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1992. 200:248-254.
4. F u Y, et al. Mol Pharmacol 2008 73(5):1465-73.
5. M iddleton E and Kandaswami C Biochem Pharmacol 1992. 43:1167-1179.
6. Dell’Agli M, et al. Cardiovasc Res 2004;63(4):593-602.
7. Folts JD. Adv Exp Med Biol 2002;505:95-111.
8. Cos P, et al. Curr Med Chem 2004;11(10):1345-59.
9. Renaud S, de Lorgeril M, Lancet 1992;339:1523-26.
10. Stoclet JC, et al. J Physiol Pharmacol 1999;50: 535-40.
11. Cuevas AM, et al. Lipids 2000;35:143-48.
12. F uhrman B, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;61:549-54.
13. G azave JM, et al. Biochem Exp Biol 1978;14:25-31.
14. B aruch J. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 1984;29(4).
15. K akegawa , et al. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 1985;5079-82.
16. B eylot C, Bioulac P. Gaz Med de France 1980;87(22).
17. M affei F, et al. Arzneimittelforschung 1994;44:592-601.
18. W hitehead TP, et al. Clin Chem 1995;41:32-35.
19. Lagrue G, et al. Sem Hop Paris 1981;September:18-25.
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