Ground-breaking formula that supports optimal joint health*
Үе мөчний эрүүл мэндэд тустай.
Байнгын хөдөлгөөний улмаас үе мөч их ачаалал авдаг. Ялангуяа тамирчин хүний үе мөч асар их ачаалал авдаг. Бас нас ахихын хэрээр мөгөөрс хэврэгшиж, үе мөчний үйл ажиллагаа сулардаг. Тиймээс үе мөч болон мөгөөрсөнд тустай тэжээлийг хэрэглэх шаардлагатай болдог. Procosa2 glucosamine бэлдмэлийн гол найрлага глукоцамин ба туслах найрлага манган, C амин дэмийн цогц нь үе мөч болон мөгөөрсний эрүүл мэндэд тун тустай.
Ямар хүнд их тустай вэ?- Эрч хүчтэй ажиллаж амьдардаг дунд ба ахимаг настан
- Үе мөч, мөгөөрсний эрүүл мэнд муудсан өндөр настан, цэвэршилтийн насны эмэгтэйчүүд
- Үе мөчинд ачаалал их өгдөг ажил хийдэг хүн
- Гэрийн ажил ихтэй гэрийн эзэгтэй
- Үе мөчний хөдөлгөөн их хийдэг тамирчин
- Үе мөч муутай хүн
- Үе мөч, мөгөөрсний тэжээл уух хэрэгтэй бусад хүн
Health Basics
Delivers glucosamine sulfate at doses clinically shown to help maintain healthy cartilage and joints*
Vitamin C, manganese, and silicon provide additional nutrition essential for joint health*
Procosa II Difference
Turmeric extract speeds the action of Procosa II to provide more immediate benefits
USANA Difference
Pharmaceutical Quality
Procosa II
You can mess with your family, your neighbors, and maybe even your boss, but one thing is for sure—you can’t mess with your joints. Active adults and athletes all agree that joint problems can be an unforgiving and formidable foe that can cause you problems throughout your life. However, you’re not helpless. Clinical studies suggest that adding glucosamine to your diet helps maintain healthy cartilage and joints. Procosa II is not only an excellent source of glucosamine, it’s formulated with vitamin C, manganese, and silicon to provide additional nutrition essential for optimal joint health.* Another advantage of Procosa II is that it contains turmeric extract, speeding the supplement’s action to provide more immediate benefits. Procosa II is a great way to start taking care of your joints.*
Bone and Joint Health
It's easy to forget that bones are comprised of living tissue, with minerals being constantly deposited and withdrawn. In healthy adults, the rate of bone loss is roughly equal to the rate of bone gain. However, as we age, a deficiency of minerals can contribute to accelerated bone loss and ultimately osteoporosis. Our Bone and Joint Health supplements provide you with essential building blocks of healthy bones and joints.
Nearly one in three adults in the United States suffers from some form of joint problem. The situation is worse for athletes and those who are subject to high amounts of physical stress at work and at home. To help support healthy joints, USANA created Procosa® II supplement, a product with a blend of
glucosamine, manganese, vitamin C, and silicon—building blocks for healthy cartilage.*
Cartilage is the protective layer that cushions and lubricates the joints. Over the years, the cartilage in our joints is gradually worn down due to normal physical activity. The body rebuilds the cartilage as it is worn and replaces shock-absorbing synovial fluid, so the joints are always protected. For various reasons, however, the production of new cartilage and synovial fluid can fall behind demand. Because of poor blood supply, lesions to articular cartilage do not heal at the same rate as in other tissue in the body; cartilage is rebuilt slowly. If components of the substances used for cartilage repair are in short supply, the recovery from damage can be slowed even more.
Glucosamine, an amino sugar, is an important precursor in the biosynthesis of cartilage. Specifically, it is a building block of proteoglycans—protein molecules with a high content of bound carbohydrate.1 Proteoglycans and collagen compose the majority of the cartilage matrix. Proteoglycans are essential for healthy cartilage because they bind the water that lubricates and cushions the joint. When the articular cartilage degenerates, joint pain and osteoarthritis may result.*
In addition to its role as a biochemical precursor, glucosamine is believed to play a role in regulating cartilage formation and normalizing cartilage metabolism by encouraging higher production of collagen and proteoglycans.2
Glucosamine also stimulates synovial production of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the lubricating and shockabsorbing properties of synovial fluid.3*
Numerous double-blind clinical studies have shown the efficacy of glucosamine supplements in maintaining healthy cartilage, healthy joints, and full range of motion in the short-term.4-10 More recently, a threeyear
study was published showing that joint space increased in the glucosamine-treated group, while it continued to decrease in the placebo group, indicating that the protective cartilage was better maintained in those who
used glucosamine.11 Additional studies have demonstrated that glucosamine, taken orally, is well-absorbed and diffuses into tissues, including the articular cartilage.12-14*
A Powerful Blend
The combination of glucosamine sulfate with turmeric extract, manganese, vitamin C, and silicon represents a more comprehensive approach to joint health. Over the long term, these ingredients help retain healthy cartilage. Turmeric contains curcumin and related compounds known as curcuminoids, which have good antioxidant properties.15,16 Manganese is required for enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of proteoglycans.17,18 Vitamin C is essential for the reactions necessary to collagen formation. And silicon is required for proper collagen formation and ultimately cartilage composition.19*
Why Procosa® II?
Procosa II is USANA’s formula for joint health. We incorporate a full 2000 mg per day of high-quality glucosamine sulfate, a dosage significantly higher than the industry standard. Then we combine
this with turmeric extract, vitamin C, manganese, and silicon for comprehensive joint health.*
1. Karzel K, Domenjoz R. Pharmacology 1971;5:337-45.
2. Goggs, R, et al. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2005;45(3):145-64.
3. Matheson AJ, Perry CM. Drugs Aging 2003;20(14):1041-60.
4. Pujalte JM, et al. Curr Med Res Opin 1980;7:110-14.
5. Lopes VA. Curr Med Res Opin 1982;8:145-49.
6. Muller-Fassbender, et al. Osteoarth Cartilage 1994;2:61-69.
7. Crolle G, D’Este E. Curr Med Res Opin 1980;7:104-09.
8. Dovanti A, et al. Clin Therapeutics 1980;3:266-72.
9. Pujalte JM, et al. Curr Med Res Opin 1980;7:110-14.
10. Tapadinhas MJ, et al. Pharmatherapeutica 1982;3:157-68.
11. Reginster JY, et al. Lancet 2001;357:251-56.
12. Vaz AL. Curr Med Res Opin 1982;8:145-49.
13. Fabender H, et al. Osteoarthr and Cartilage 1994;2:61-69.
14. D’Ambrosio E, et al. Pharmatherapeutica 1981;1:504.
15. Maheshwari RK, et al. Life Sci 2006;78(18):2081-7.
16. Sreejayan R. J Pharm Pharmacol 1994;46:1013-16.
17. Tinker D, Rucker RB. Physiol Rev 1985;65(3):607-57.
18. Yang P, Klimis-Tavantzis DJ. Biol Trace Elem Res 1998;64(1-3):275-88.
19. Bisse E, et al. Anal Biochem 2005;337(1):130-5.
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