Reinvent yourself with RESET weight-management system, and lose five pounds in five days†
RESET хөтөлбөр нь эсийн түвшинд бодисын солилцооны хэвийн ажиллагааг сэргээж, цусан дахь чихрийн хэмжээг тохиромжтой хэмжээнд байлгаж, хоолны дуршлыг хязгаарлаж, биеийн өөхийг багасгах хялбар, эрүүл арга юм. Хүний өдөр тутмын хэрэгцээт тэжээлийг өгч байдаг учраас дахин таргалахгүй гэдэг нь батлагдсан.
RESET-ийн 1-р шат: GI ( Glycemix index ) цусан дахь сахарын үзүүлэлт
RESET-ийн 1-р шат: GI ( Glycemix index ) цусан дахь сахарын үзүүлэлт
5 өдрийн турш Nutrimeal-ээр хоолыг орлуулж, өглөө өдөр оройн хоолны завсраар GI бага, эрүүл мэндэд сайн жимс ногоо хэрэглэх
RESET-ийн 1-р шат нь бие махбодыг цэвэрлэж, цусан дахь чихрийн хэмжээг тогтвортой байдалд хүргэж, зүй зохистой хоолны дэглэм баримтлахад туслана.
RESET-ийн 2-р шат: ( 1 сарын дараа)
Nutrimeal-ээр 2 удаагийн хоолыг орлуулж, үлдсэн нэг хоолны цагаар GI бага, тэжээллэг эрүүл хүнс хэрэглэх. Хүссэн жиндээ хүртэл RESET-ийн 2-р шатыг хэрэгжүүлж чадвал зөв хооллож хэвшинэ.
RESET-ийн 3-р шат:
Nutrimeal-ээр 1 удаагийн хоолыг орлуулж, үлдсэн 2 удаад GI бага, тэжээллэг эрүүл хүнс хэрэглэх
RESET-ийн 3-р шат нь жин хассан хэмжээгээ хадгалж, сайн чанарын их хэмжээний тэжээлийг тэнцвэртэй хангана.
Nutrimeal-ээр насан турш эрүүл хооллох боломжтой.
Сонирхож байвал мэйл бичнэ үү.,
Бөөнөөр болон жижиглэнгээр худалдаж байна.
Nutrimeal-ээр насан турш эрүүл хооллох боломжтой.
Сонирхож байвал мэйл бичнэ үү.,
Бөөнөөр болон жижиглэнгээр худалдаж байна.
Health Basics
Can lose five pounds in five days†
Can lose two pounds a week for twelve weeks†
Low-glycemic ingredients to control carbohydrate cravings*
One of the most nutritional weight-loss programs on the market
In a clinical study the average inches lost were 1.5 inches
Provides balanced nutrition and all you need for weight-loss success
15 Nutrimeal™ - Chocolate, French Vanilla, and Wild Strawberry
5 Peanut Butter Crunch Nutrition Bars
5 Oatmeal Raisin Nutrition Bars
5 AM/PM HealthPak 100™ packets
Program guide
Motivational fridge magnet
DVD with world-class athletes Jennifer Azzi and Derek Parra
Change doesn’t have to be complicated. USANA scientists designed RESET™ to make losing weight feel easy, giving you a significant head-start. By following the RESET program, you can lose up to five pounds in five days. RESET has been clinically tested, and its low-glycemic foundation is scientifically based. Rethink dieting. Resolve, renew, reinvent with RESET.
Healthy Weight
It’s no secret that the key to effective weight loss is making positive changes in diet and exercise. However, making those healthy lifestyle changes can often seem like an insurmountable task. Our Healthy Weight Management products are designed to jumpstart healthy eating habits and help individuals begin to make a clean break from unhealthy food.
Health Basics
• Can lose five pounds in five days†
• Can lose two pounds a week for 12 weeks†
• Low-glycemic ingredients providing a source of sustainable energy to help control carbohydrate cravings*
• In a clinical study, the average inches lost were 1.5 inches
• Works as a scientific alternative to fad diets
• Provides balanced nutrition including everything you need for weight-loss success.
It’s no secret that the key to effective weight loss is making positive changes in diet and exercise. However, making those healthy lifestyle changes and improving eating habits can often seem like an insurmountable task. With that in mind, USANA scientists developed The RESET™ weight-management program to help people jumpstart healthy eating habits and begin to make a clean break from unhealthy, high-glycemic foods.*
Five Days to a New You
The 5-Day RESET program is a nutritionally balanced program of macronutrients (high-quality protein, good carbohydrates, and healthy fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants). The program is simple—every day you drink three Nutrimeal™ shakes and eat an Oatmeal Raisin Nutrition Bar, a Peanut Butter Crunch Nutrition Bar, a serving of fruit, and a serving of vegetables. You should also take the AM and
PM HealthPak™, drink 64–80 ounces of water, and walk for approximately 20–30 minutes (about 3,000 steps) every day.
The 5-Day RESET kit is available in a flavor variety pack— with a mixture of Dutch Chocolate, French Vanilla, and Wild Strawberry Nutrimeal—that includes everything you need:
• 15 single-serving pouches of Nutrimeal
• 5 Peanut Butter Crunch Nutrition Bars
• 5 Oatmeal Raisin Nutrition Bars
• 5 AM/PM HealthPak packets
To help you get the most out of RESET, the kit also comes with a helpful program guide, a motivational magnet, and an exclusive DVD packed with information and featuring a 30-minute fitness program with world-class athletes Jennifer Azzi and Derek Parra.
Control the Cravings
Nutritional science has linked high-glycemic foods to the incidence of obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. All of the USANA® Foods in RESET are guaranteed to be low glycemic. As the foundation of a nutritious diet, low-glycemic foods release energy slowly and do not cause drastic blood glucose spikes and crashes. Therefore, you don’t feel hungry as quickly, so you don’t feel an overwhelming need to eat, which may help you lose weight.† In addition, the fiber content of RESET helps provide a long-lasting sense of fullness to help reduce hunger levels throughout the day.*
Lose the Pounds
The 5-Day RESET program is not about starvation. It is a nutritionally balanced, low-calorie system to help you lose the first few pounds and find the motivation to keep working toward your total weight-loss goal.*
Find the New You
After you have completed the first five days with the 5-Day RESET program, make the new healthy habits part of your lifestyle by choosing the next phase that is right for you. To help you achieve your ideal weight, Transform every day:
• Replace two meals with Nutrimeal shakes and eat one low-glycemic meal.
• Eat one USANA bar as a snack and one other low-glycemic snack.
• Follow a moderate exercise program, working up to 10,000 steps.
• Take your Essentials™ or HealthPak. To help you maintain your ideal weight, Maintain every day:
• Replace one meal with a Nutrimeal shake and eat two low-glycemic meals.
• Eat one USANA bar as a snack and one other low-glycemic snack.
• Continue a moderate exercise program.
• Take your Essentials or HealthPak.
RESET and Your Health
RESET provides easily digestible soy, whey, and other proteins daily. Research shows that 25 grams of soy protein a day as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of Nutrimeal provides over 6 grams of soy protein. Whey protein is an excellent source of amino acids essential for building a healthy body. *
RESET also supplies dietary fiber to help maintain optimal health. Diets high in soluble and insoluble fiber generally are rich in essential nutrients. Fiber is important for maintaining digestive health. When regularly eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, soluble fiber has been shown to help support healthy cholesterol levels, provided they are healthy to begin with.1*
1. Van Horn L. Circulation 1997;95(12):2701-4.
†Typical results are 4 lbs in 5 days. Results will vary. As with any health or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required to achieve long-term weight loss results. Results from the RESET 5-day weight-management system are achieved through daily caloric restriction and moderate exercise. It is suggested that you take these products to your physician and secure his/her advice if you intend to change your diet, begin an exercise program, are pregnant, lactating, have allergies, are taking medications, or are under the care of a physician. USANA’s RESET 5-day weight-management system is FOOD, not a DRUG.
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