BiOmega™ - Биомега

 High-quality, ultra-pure fish oil supplement

Цусны эргэлтийг сайжруулж цэвэршүүлэх үйлчилгээтэй  бэлдмэл.
BiOmega-гийн гол найрлага нь цус цэвэршүүлэх үйлчилгээтэй загасны тосонд хангалттай байдаггүйгээс хоол тэжээлээр дамжуулж хэрэглэх ёстой байдаг ханаагүй өөр тосны хүчил болох омега-3 хүчил агуулагдсан байдаг бөгөөд, уухад хялбар капсуль хэлбэрээр савлагдсан. Загасны тосны эхүүн үнэрийг дарах нимбэгийн тос агуулсан.
1 удаа хэрэглэх хэмжээ 2 капсульд EPA 290гр, DHA 235гр агуулагдсан бөгөөд, өдөрт омега-3 өөх тосны хүчлийг 1,050гр уух боломжтой D амин дэмийн найрлагатай

Цус цэвэршүүлэх үйлчилгээтэй EPA болон уураг тархи, нүдний торлог бүрхэвчийг бүрдүүлэгч DHA-г нэг зэрэг ууж хэрэглэх боломжтой

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- Өсөлтийн насны хүүхэд, жирэмсэн болон хөхүүл эхчүүдэд сайн.

Health Basics

Provides advanced and guaranteed levels of EPA and DHA, two long-chain omega-3 fatty acids important for memory and learning*
Supports sound cardiovascular health and joint health*
Critical for promoting healthy pregnancies and healthy babies*

BiOmega Difference

Each capsule delivers 100 IU of vitamin D
Formulated with lemon oil to eliminate the fishy aftertaste associated with most fish oil supplements

USANA Difference

Pharmaceutical Quality


You know that fish oil is really good for you because it contains important omega fatty acids, which contribute to brain development and both joint and cardiovascular health. But storing fish and cooking it properly is a hassle. And when you have a busy lifestyle, eating fish out every night can get pretty pricey, pretty quick. BiOmega is a fish oil supplement that’s easy to take every day, especially when you don’t feel like you’re getting enough fish in your diet. What makes BiOmega exceptional is that it has all the benefits of fish oil in a convenient gel capsule, and it is essentially free of harmful contaminants like mercury because of its triple distillation process. It also contains concentrated doses of DHA, a beneficial fat that supports memory and learning, and is greatly recommended for pregnant women.* And BiOmega contains an additional dose of vitamin D, a nutrient found deficient in the average diet. BiOmega is also formulated with lemon oil to kill the fishy aftertaste found in other fish oil supplements. Because of its exclusive advantages, when you buy BiOmega, you know you’re getting quite the catch!
No nutritional program is complete without a high-quality source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which are lacking in the typical Western diet.1 USANA’s BiOmega™ supplement is produced from cold-water, deep-sea fish oil and contains a balanced, concentrated daily dose of two important omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in two convenient capsules per day.

Healthy Fats

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are the biosynthetic precursors of a family of compounds called eicosanoids (prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes). These compounds are hormonelike substances that help retain normal health processes in our bodies.
It is important to maintain an appropriate balance of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet as these two substances work together to promote health.2 Yet despite the clear health benefits associated with omega-3 fatty acids, dietary surveys indicate that most of us do not obtain enough omega-3 fatty acids from our diets.3* In 2002, the American Heart Association issued new guidance on fish and fish oil consumption4 because results of large-scale epidemiological studies and randomized controlled studies showed that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil support cardiovascular health. In addition to the heart health benefits, studies have shown omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of fish oil supplements, to be effective in supporting healthy joints,5,6 promoting optimal neural development and function, and maintaining good bone health.7-9 Finally, DHA is also an important structural component of the retina and is, therefore, essential for eye development and growth.10*

Early Childhood Development

It is important that women of childbearing age who are pregnant or may become pregnant get proper nutrition to ensure the best possible development for their baby, including getting sufficient amounts of
omega-3 fatty acids. DHA is one of the dominant fats in the nerve cells of fetal and infant brains, and research shows that omega-3 fatty acids are critical to the development of the brain before birth and during early childhood.11 Many commercially prepared infant formulas are now fortified with DHA to support health and nervous system development.12*

Vitamin D

Most purification processes for fish oil remove any vitamin D from the product. Yet, experts now widely believe that a majority of people are not getting enough vitamin D, which has been shown to have many health benefits, such as supporting bone health13 and healthy lung function.14 BiOmega is fortified with vitamin D to supply an additional 200 IU per day.*

Why BiOmega™?

In spite of clear benefits of including fish in the diet, health authorities have warned us to limit our intake of certain species of fish due to concern about potential contaminants, especially during pregnancy. Manufactured in a state-of-the art facility, USANA’s BiOmega is virtually free of contaminants, which are eliminated through a double-molecular distillation process that ensures the highest possible purity. Through this process, heavy metals, PCBs, pesticides, and organic residues are effectively eliminated. Also free of trans-fatty acids, each capsule contains 2 mg of mixed natural tocopherols to minimize oxidation of the omega-3 fatty acids andmaintain product quality during storage. In short, BiOmega is one of the purest, highest quality fish oil products available on the market today.
Supplementation with BiOmega is an excellent way to ensure that your diet includes a concentrated balance of safe, healthful EPA and DHA in two convenient capsules per day. And with added lemon flavoring, there is no fishy aftertaste.


1. Bourre JM. Biomed Pharmacother 2007;61(2-3):105–12.
2. Benatti P, et al. J Am Coll Nutr 2004;23(4):281–302.
3. Kris-Etherton PM, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71(1 Suppl):179S–88S.
4. Kris-Etherton PM, et al. Circulation 2002;106:2747–2757.
5. Volker D, et al. J Rheumatol 2000;27(10):2343–6.
6. Curtis CL, et al. Proc Nutr Soc 2002;61(3):381–9.
7. Uauy R, et al. Lipids. 2001;36(9):885–95.
8. Hogstrom M, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007;85(3)803–7.
9. Weiss LA, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;81(4):934–8.
10. Stordy JB. The Lancet 1995;346(8971):385.
11. Helland IB, et al. Pediatrics 2003;111(1):e39–44.
12. Salem, Jr, N, et al. Wrld Rev of Nut and Diet 1994;75:46–51.
13. Bischoff-Ferrari HA, et al. JAMA 2005;293(18):2257–64.
14. Black PN, et al. Chest. 2005;128(6):3792–8.

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