Daily vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant supplement for children ages 13 months to 12 years.
Юсанималс нь мульт витамин болон, органик бус бодисууд агуулсан.Бидний ирээдүй болсон хүүхэд багачуудын эрүүл мэндэд тустай бэлдмэл юм.Хүүхдийн бие махбодид зохистой 13 төрлийн витамин амин дэм, 8 төрлийн органик бус бодисын найрлагатай.
Тэнцвэртэй тэжээл нь бүх хүнд чухал боловч ялангуяа яс, булчин, түүнчлэн бусад эд эс бүрэлдэж байгаа хүүхэд багачуудад илүү чухал байдаг. Энэ бэлдмэл нь 13 төрлийн органик бус бодисын найрлагатай хүүхдийн зориулалттай Essencials бөгөөд, хүүхдийг эрүүл саруул өсөж бойжиход тус болно.
Хэвийн хоололтоор зайлшгүй шаардлагатай тэжээлээ олж авч чадахгүй байгаа хүмүүс олширсон өнөөгийн нийгэмд бидний үр хүүхдүүдэд тэнцвэртэй тэжээл хэрэглүүлж хэвшүүлэх нь чухал билээ.
Ямар хүнд их тустай вэ?
- Хөдөлгөөн ихтэй, өсөлтийн насны хүүхэд
- Зарим нэг хоолыг идэж чаддаггүйн учир тэнцвэртэй тэжээл авдаггүй хүн
- Компьютер их хэрэглэдэг юмуу ном их уншдаг хүүхэд
- Сул дорой хүүхэд хэрэглэхэд нэн тохиромжтой.
Health Basics
Provides excellent nutritional support for growing children*
Offers an unparalleled range of antioxidant nutrients for protection against oxidative stress*
Free of artificial flavors and sweeteners
Supports healthy immune function*
Fun and easy-to-eat chewables
Did You Know?
Usanimals provides one of the best antioxidant complexes available among children’s supplements.*
USANA Difference
Pharmaceutical Quality
They won’t touch their veggies, and that makes you wonder if your kids are getting vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need to grow up healthy and strong. Great nutrition gives kids a great start and Usanimals are one of the most antioxidant-rich supplements—specifically formulated for children—that you can buy. Usanimals also provide a comprehensive formula of vitamins and minerals that children need during this phase of rapid growth. And your kids will go wild for the wild berry taste and the wild animal shapes!
Good nutrition plays a critical role in everyone’s health and is especially important for children because they are constantly growing, from birth to the end of adolescence. Pound for pound, a 5-year-old child needs more thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins A and C, and vitamins B6 and B12 than a 25-year-old man.1 The Usanimals™ supplement, USANA’s Essentials for kids, is an advanced formulation of nutrients necessary for a healthy childhood.
Nutrition for Growth
Growth involves much more than just the development of children’s bodies. It is an intricate balance of varying growth rates, physiological changes, and shifting hormone status. While growth in childhood is slower than in infancy or adolescence, energy output is high with play periods that include plenty of running, jumping, and testing of new physical skills.
Today’s Childhood Nutrition
Many studies show that children do not receive the nutrition they need from their diets. Less than 25 percent of young people eat the recommended five servings or more of fruits and vegetables each day, and nearly one-quarter of all vegetables consumed by children and adolescents are french fries.2 Adequate amounts of key nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium, and calcium are missing from the diets of more than 50 percent of children from 2 to 10 years old.
Essentials for Children
In addition to a phytonutrient blend of blackberry, cranberry, raspberry, and wild blueberry fruit powders, Usanimals contain a comprehensive array of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, in amounts designed especially for active, growing children.
Being Healthy Can Be Fun
Children love the fun animal shapes and great-tasting natural wild berry flavor of Usanimals. Parents love it too, because USANA uses only natural flavors and sweeteners.
1. Brody J. Jane Brody’s Nutrition Book. New York: Bantam Books; 1987.
2. Krebs-Smith SM, et al. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1996;150:81-86.
3. Albertson AM, et al. J Am Diet Assoc 1992;92:1492-96.
4. Kennedy E, Goldberg J. Nutr Rev 1995;53(5):111-26.
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