E амин дэм нь хүний биед чухал үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг хүчил эсэргүүцэгчийн нэг бөгөөд бие махбодод үүсч бүрэлддэггүй учир заавал хүнсээр олж авах ёстой тэжээл юм. E амин дэм нь ургамлын гаралтай тос, шош, эрдэнэ шиш зэргээс олж авах боломжтой боловч хүнсийг боловсруулж, халаах явцад E амин дэм амархан алдагддаг.
Тиймээс хүнсэн дэх E амин дэмийн найрлага нь цэвэршүүлэх, хадгалах, хураах, хоол хийх аргаас шалтгаалан өөрчлөгддөг.
E амин дэм нь хүчил эсэргүүцэх үйлчилгээгээр эсийн бүрхүүлийг бүрдүүлдэг ханаагүй өөх тосон хүчлийн хэт ислээс хамгаална.
Энэ бэлдмэл нь 1 өдөрт 400 IU-гийн D-альфа токоферолоор хангаж хүчил эсэргүүцэх үйлчилгээ үзүүлж, бие махбодын өөх тосон хүчлүүдийн ислээс хамгаалах эрүүл мэндийн бэлдмэл юм.
Эсийн бүрхүүлийг бүрдүүлэгч ханаагүй өөх тосны хүчлийн ислээс хамгаалж эсийг гэмтлээс сэргийлнэ.
Физиологийн хувьд уусах чадвар хамгийн сайтай E амин дэмийн хэлбэр болох байгалийн D-альфа токоферолыг агуулсан. Эсийг эрүүл мэнд, идэвхтэй ислээс эсэргүүцэх бие махбодын хамгаалах чадварыг сайжруулна.
Ямар хүнд их тустай вэ?
- E амин дэм нөхөж хэрэглэх шаардлагатай хүн
Health Basics
Supports a healthy immune system
E-Prime Difference
Provides a broad-spectrum vitamin E supplement
Comes in a 200 IU liquid hardshell encapsulation
Complements the USANA® Essentials™ and provides enhanced levels of vitamin E
Vitamin E, one of the most powerful antioxidants known, plays a critical role in the body by protecting LDL and cell membranes from oxidation damage. It is an essential nutrient—one that the body cannot manufacture and thus must obtain from foods and supplements. However, it may be difficult to ingest enough vitamin E from food alone. The body does not retain vitamin E as well as it does other fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, many processing methods (such as heating and chemical refining) eliminate much of the vitamin E in our foods. Because people consume more processed food than they did 50 years ago, they get less natural vitamin E. Many health professionals believe that vitamin E supplementation is the answer. USANA’s E-Prime formulation is a premier vitamin E product on the market. The result is an effective vitamin formulation in a powerful package.
Heart Health
The average adult heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood each day. As one of the hardest working organs in the body, the heart has unique nutritional needs. Nutritional deficiencies may even contribute to cardiovascular disease – the number one cause of death in the United States. Our Heart Health supplements are specially designed to support healthy heart function.
Women's Health
While general nutrient needs are very similar between men and women, age can present unique gender-based health concerns. For women over the age of 40, symptoms associated with the onset of menopause may begin to occur. Our Women's Health products are designed to support menstrual health and help improve quality of life during the transition to menopause.
Immune Health
The immune system is the most complex system in the human body. A diverse mix of tissues, proteins, cells and organs work together to support total body defense. Without proper nutrition, the immune system can become weak and ineffective. Our Immune Health supplements help to support healthy immune function.
• Provides a broad-spectrum vitamin E supplement with other mixed tocopl1erols and tocotrienols, potent antioxidants from natural sources
• Comes in a 200 IU liquid hard-shell encapsulation for enhanced bioavailability
• Complements the USANAGD Essentials™ and provides optimal levels of vitamin E
Antioxidant vitamins and minetals ate the body's first line of defence against highly reactive compounds known as free radicals. Although free radicals are normal by-products of cellular metabolism, their cumulative effects can be devastating.*
Under ideal circumstances, antioxidants produced by the body and supplied by the diet "scavenge" free radicals and destroy them as they are produced. But influences such as an inadequate diet, a stressful lifestyle, and environmental pollution can upset this balance.
For those who want to increase their vitamin E intake and enhance their antioxidant protection, USANA has formulated a "full spectrum" vitamin E product. E-Prime™ is a balanced blend of d-alpha-tocopherol, mixed tocopherols, and mixed tocotrienols.
Vitamin E, one of the most powerful antioxidants known, plays a critical role in the body by protecting LDL and cell membranes from oxidation damage. Viramin E also helps maintain healthy DNA in the interior of cells. Vitamin E works with other antioxidants to provide optimal health to cells and organs.z Several laboratory and clinical studies have shown the importance of vitamin E in supporting good cardiovascular health and a strong immune system in the elderly.
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient-one that the body cannot manufacture and thus must obtain from foods and supplements. However, it is difficult to ingest enough vitamin E from food alone. Animal sources of vitamin E are poor, and only small amounts occur in butter, egg yolk, milk fat, and liver. Larger but still moderate amounts are found in whole-grain products, seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils.
The body does not retain vitamin E as well as other fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, many processing methods (such as heating and chemical refining) eliminate much of the vitamin E in our foods. Because people consume more processed food than they did 50 years ago, they get less natural vitamin E. And many health professionals believe that vitamin E supplementation is the answer.
The daily amount of vitamin E recommended by some health organisations is 30 International Vnits (IV). But this amount does not consider factors that may increase vitamin E needs--diet, lifestyle, disease, and exposure to pollutants¬which vary among individuals. Numerous human clinical trials and epidemiological data show that vitamin E levels many times higher than the recommended amount on average (400-800 IV per clay) can provide significant health benefirs.e-s Dietary sources of vitamin E cannot supply these levels. However, vitamin E in supplement form has been shown to have few or no side effects.
WHY E-Prime™?
VSANKs E-Prime formulation is the premier vitamin E product on the market. Each capsule contains 200 IV of the most biologically active form of vitamin C (d-alpha-tocopherol). E-Prime contains structurally related mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, formulated in a base of medium-chain triglycerides and lecithin for maximum bioavailability. The E-Prime formulation of different tocopherols and tocotrienols provides the cardiovascular system and entire body with antioxidant protection.
Tocotrienols have been shown to be potent antioxidants in themselves, with biological efficacy rivaling or surpassing that of vitamin E.1O-12 The tocopherols in E-Prime: are derived from soybeans and the tocotrienols from rice bran oil, providing a natural mixture of vitamin E and vitamin E analogs.
Tocotrienols can also help to maintain blood cholesterol levels, providing they are normal to begin with.
USANA's E-Prime uses a state-of-the-art manufacturing process that takes advantage ofliquid hard-shell encapsulation technology. This liquid formulation further enhances the bioavailability of E-Prime. The result is a potent vitamin formulation in a powerful package.
E-Prime is laboratory tested, quality guaranteed and meets VSP specifications for potency, uniformity, and disintegration, where applicable.
2. Cross, C.E. ee al., Ann. Intern. Med. 1987; 107:526-45.
3. Salon',JT,.r el., BMJ 198;. 290:417-20.
4. Stephens, NG, et el., The Lancet 1996: 347:781-86.
5. Seampfer, MJ, Rimm, EB. Am. J. Clin. Nute. 1995; 13658-98.
6. Rimum, E.B., et al., N. Engl.]. Med. 1993; 328:1450-56.
7. Meydani. S.N., et at., JAMA 1997; 277:1380-86.
8. Shklar, G., et al., J. Oral Parhol. M.d. 1990; 19:60-64.
9. Sene, M.,.r al., N. Engl. J. M.d. 1997; 336:1216-22.
10. Machlin, LJ. Crit Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 1995; 35:41-50.
11. Surana. C., et al., Blochim. Blophys. Acta. 1993; 1166:163-70.
12. Suzuki, YJ., er al., Biochemistry. 1993; 32: 10692-9.
13. Kamar,J.P., Dewsagayam. T.P. Neurosri. Lett., 1995; 195:179-82.
14. Qureshi, AA, er al., Lipids. 1995; 30:1171-77
15. Qureshi, AA. et al., Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1991; 53:1021S-26S.
16. Nesaretnam, K, et al., Lipids, 1995; 30:1139-43.
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